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Empower your business teams with AI

Designed for business teams in the saving, investment and insurance industries
Since 2014 we have been on a mission to make AI simpler, smarter & fairer
Multiple opportunities to increase your added value
What your peers do with Brain Business Studio
Brain Business Studio

A proposal dedicated to business users


Be introduced gently to machine learning and its wide variety of models to make your data more productive


Acquire new knowledge by practicing from your desk on your data and improve your decisions

Collaborate & Exploit

Share new insights with your colleagues and partner better with your data team

Types of use cases by role

Engineers Meeting in Technology Research Laboratory: Male Engineer Leads Presentation Using Digital Whiteboard, Shows Machine Blueprint, Data Analytics and Neural Network while Colleagues Listening; Shutterstock ID 1682600935; Project Code: -; Billable/Non-billable: -; Originator Name: -

As an analyst, use the power of ML to detect, classify, explain, predict or simulate key dynamics or trends in your business

Product Specialist

As a Marketing /Product expert, use the power of ML to improve your segmentations, identify new desirable features or design client-centric campaigns

Investment Specialist

As an investment expert, use the power of ML to challenge your analysis, to score financial instruments or to strengthen portfolio construction

Brain Business Studio is an Artificial Intelligence software tool, made available in SaaS

It has been designed for business users or analysts who are not experts in data science and who wish to independently initiate and carry out projects using “Machine Learning”.

  • Gives business teams the autonomy to initialize data projects
  • Provides the explainability of predictions for better adoption
  • Accelerates analytical projects
  • Promotes the development of teams' skills on "Machine Learning" work
Prepare your data
Load and explore your data with advanced statistics and tools for problem detection and quality assessment. Once ready, Brain Business Studio can reuse the data to make an infinite number of predictions
Create your model
Decide what you want Brain Business Studio to predict. You will have access to a rich algorithmic coverage, and can easily experiment, train and test new predicitive models on your own.
Make and share predictions
Activate your model in one click. You can generate a multitude of scores and predictions, all with their individual explanation. You can easily share them with an API.
Follow a strong governance
Implement a solid governance model with Brain Business Studio and be compliant. You are provided with the reports and functionalities to govern the production chain of your predictive models.

State of Ethical AI: Challenges posed by ethics to companies developing AI

What project will you use Brain Business Studio for?
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